Sunday, December 24, 2006

Cuba Labor Conference calls for solidarity with immigrant workers

Cuba Labor Conference hears call for solidarity with immigrant workers
By Bob McCubbin Tijuana, Mexico Dec 18, 2006

The Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/North America Labor Conference convened Dec. 8 in the Mexican border city of Tijuana, where international representatives, activist union leaders, immigrant-rights youth activists, people working in solidarity with revolutionary Cuba and Venezuela and others involved in struggles against racism, imperialism and war all gathered for two days of fruitful discussion and information exchange.

Action proposals included the May 1, 2007, immigrant rights mobilizations, a spring “Hands off Cuba and Venezuela/Free the Cuban Five” demonstration in Washington, D.C. or New York City, and the Sixth Anti-FTAA/FTA International Conference in Havana at the end of April 2007. Other highlights of the conference included presentations on the achievements of and current challenges facing Cuban workers, on the struggle to free the Cuban Five, on the situation of Mexican workers, and on the efforts to defend the Colombian SINALTRAINAL union.

(Click here to read more)