Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bush Cracks Down on Gitmo Detainees

Bush Cracks Down on Gitmo Detainees, Despite Overwhelming Evidence Most are Not Terrorists By DAVE LINDORFF

* The U.S. is holding hundreds of innocent people at its detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
* Military authorities at Guantanamo have decided to tighten the screws on detainees because it has been determined that the U.S. has been too kind and accommodating to them.

If you find those two sentences jarring and contradictory, you're not alone, yet both were leading news items in today's newspapers. The first appeared in a page one story in of the Philadelphia Inquirer by Associated Press reporter Andrew O. Selsky, which said most of the detainees are innocent of any crime. The second was a page one story in the New York Times by reporter Tim Golden, who reported on a harsh crackdown on Guantanamo detainees, including removal of common eating privileges, inmate soccer games, and incentives for good behavior by prisoners.

(Click to Read More)